Statement on the reversal of Roe v Wade & Planned Parenthood v. Casey
While we have known since early May that this ruling was coming, we are deeply disheartened by the impact this decision will have on poor working people, in particular immigrants and people of color.
As some members of the Protecting Immigrant Families coalition warned in an amicus brief to the Supreme Court on the Dobbs case, the burden of such a decision will fall disproportionately hard on low-income immigrants of color, who already face language, economic, and immigration status barriers to reproductive health care. Experts anticipate that within one year of this opinion, twenty-six states will have completely banned or severely restricted abortion access, impacting over 40 million people of reproductive age. Most of these states are in the Deep South and Midwest, where immigrants already face innumerable barriers to healthcare – from the heightened chilling effect of public charge to legal restrictions.
We stand firmly with our partners, abortion funds and providers, and organizations fighting for reproductive health access and justice. We believe that everyone should have the right to methods of abortion that they determine to be best for themselves. We believe that protecting immigrants’ access to public benefit programs, healthcare, and economic justice is as essential as ensuring that the right to choose continues to be central in the access to reproductive rights.
We urge Congress to continue the effort to codify the constitutional right to abortion and bodily autonomy. We urge states to protect the right to abortion in their own constitutions. We urge you to not give up the mission of defending access to health care, nutrition programs, public services, and economic support for everyone – regardless of immigration status.
Academy of Medical and Public Health Services (AMPHS)
Adelante Mujeres
African Services Committee
All* Above All Action Fund
Arab-American Family Support Center Inc
Asian & Pacific Islander American Health Forum
Asian American Students Alliance at Yale
Asian Pacific American Labor Alliance, AFL-CIO
Association of Asian Pacific Community Health Organizations (AAPCHO)
California Association of Food Banks
California Rural Legal Assistance Foundation
Center for Science in the Public Interest
Chinese for Affirmative Action
Chinese-American Planning Council
Church World Service
Coalition for Asian American Children and Families
Community Catalyst
Equality California
Florida Health Justice Project
Florida Immigrant Coalition
Freedom Network USA
Human Impact Partners
Justice in Aging
Kentucky Equal Justice Center
Latino Community Fund of Washington State
Michigan Immigrant Rights Center
NARAL Pro-Choice America
National Health Law Program
National Immigration Law Center
National Latina Institute for Reproductive Justice
Neighborhood House
Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies
NM Center on Law and Poverty
North Carolina Asian Americans Together
North Marin Community Services
Northwest Health Law Advocates
Nourish California
Planned Parenthood Federation of America
Saratoga Immigration Coalition
SEPA Mujer Inc
Shriver Center on Poverty Law
Student Clinic for Immigrant Justice
SYL Foundation
Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition
Tennessee Justice for Our Neighbors
The Latino Coalition Against COVID-19
Treatment Action Group
Virginia Coalition of Latino Organizations
William E. Morris Institute for Justice